The Day to Say Good Bye (?)

It was February 8 in the night, actually I had to pack all my things but I was not excited to do it. Instead, I was having conversation and sharing with the coordinator of my Receiving University, Dr. Gabinete and my companion from Indonesia. We talked a lot about the possibility of what will we be in the future, our future plan. It was a deep conversation indeed. We really enjoyed the moment until forgot that it was already midnight.

As the consequence, even already midnight, I could not start to sleep because I had to pack my things first. While I was packing, I saw my students’ letter that I had not yet finished to read. I decided to read them all before continued my packing. Unfortunately, their letters made me sad. For the umpteenth time, I thought I was not ready to leave.

However, life must go on, so I have to go. February 9 in the morning, we leaved our beloved municipality, Estancia, and went to Iloilo city. We spent the whole afternoon at Supermall, but I did not buy anything. I just wanted to enjoy my remaining time at the place that I will leave. Late in the afternoon, we went to Midtown hotel by Jeepney. It was a great experience. A bit regret that I experienced this just one time in the last day of my stay. I took a deep look to the place that I would be missing so much.

At night, I realized that my baggage was over than the maximum capacity, but Dr. Gabinete helped me to arrange my things so that I would not be charged for the excess baggage. He treated me like his own son, since the beginning indeed. We are really grateful to have him as our coordinator. The person who is kind and care. Even he prepared the foods that I could eat when I was waiting at the airport. The morning came, after we finished our last breakfast in Iloilo, we had to really leave.

It was the picture that I took a few minutes before leaving. Let me tell you my secret. Maybe I did not cry when my last class with Capricorn and Virgo, I did not cry when I leaved NIPSC Laboratory Junior High School, or even in the closing program. Maybe just a bit tear up. Not just because I did not want to be looked as a weak person, yes maybe that is one of the reason. But rather, I did not cry in the front of people that I would leave because I just did not want to see they cry because of my tears. Honestly, it is sad to know that I will be leaving, do not know whether I can be back again or not. I used to cry when I was alone, or at least not in front of the people that I would leave. And indeed I cried few minutes before leaving Iloilo by this plane.

Well as I said in the closing ceremony, I do not like to say good bye. However, I hope that I can meet them again someday. Instead I will say, see you Philippines, see you Iloilo, see you Estancia, see you Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College, see you NIPSC Laboratory Junior High School, of course my beloved sections Capricorn and Virgo, till we meet again. Someday, perhaps.

Mahal kokayoh. Indi kokayoh makakalimutan. Madamo gidnga salamat!


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